Be careful what you wish for. I got a new camera and was trying out the self timer feature. Curse that person... Here is a picture of me and my little girl. It's also a picture of my new bangs, I think they were a mistake but they'll be gone in a few weeks so I'll be okay.
If your wondering what the title of my post is about, here you go. Owen came up to me a few weeks ago and told me he knew how his baby sister was going to come down from heaven. He said I was going to get bigger and bigger and bigger till I was as big as a monster. Then once I was "monster sized" I would open my mouth really big and say AUUGGGHHH. I told him that his version was mostly correct, (at least the monster sized part and all). I left out the part that the doctor was going to get a scalpel and cut me open and pull his sister out through my belly. You know, sometimes things are just too much information. Luckily he saw something shiny and forgot to get my version of how things were going to go down.