Girls are different than boys.

Have I just rocked your world by this nugget of information? If not read on. First difference, girls are better. Just kidding.... Seriously, the first difference is girls like pretty girly things. As Lily is my first daughter I was surprised that she had a preference for the feminine. I guess I always thought that mothers of daughters were giving the little girls the dolls, necklaces, makeup etc. No, no the little girls are taking the army toys and playing dress up with them until mother buys daughter doll.
Secondly, girls (Lily at least) love to dance. Anytime there is music on (and since I'm a girl too it's on pretty often) you will find Lily shaken her stuff. Even in her car seat she will be bopping along to the beat. When she is sad if you put on music and turn it up she will forget all her troubles and move it move it.
Third girls make you want to abandon parenting strategies and just give them everything they could possibly desire, consequences be damned. I just cannot imagine how on earth I am going to be able to heaven forbid (spank) Lily when the time comes. Friends and family prepare now for a total brat; unless it turns out as Chad predicts and she will never do anything wrong and be completely perfect forever (she's gotten to him too).
But one of the big differences we've noticed is that Lily likes it when Chaddy and I get frisky in front of her (keep it clean folks). She, (unlike her brothers) laughs and giggles when Chad and I hug or kiss. She just loves it. Huumm, what does that mean? When the boys were a bit younger they would FREAK out every time Chad and I kissed or hugged, which just totally would egg Chad on. He'd hug me longer, etc. just to rub it in. He'd tease them that mommy was his not theirs and they would just scream. It was kind of funny, and we just thought that all children hated parental affection. But it is just boys, that Oedipus complex I guess.

Mr. Luke William. Boys it seems are pretty simple, don't let them get hungry (they really really hate that). They love to be useful, little helpers. Especially if you put it to them like you really need their help, that without them would be forever lost. They also love to feel like they are taking care of stuff; like your safety. They both have numerous swords and gun apparatus that they use to patrol our
perimeter (the lawn) and look out for bad guys. With the exception of patrolling our lawn it kind of sounds like how big boys like to be treated.

Mr. Owen William being such a cool guy (which is his new objective in life). Did you know that the boys both have the same middle name. Well they do, we named Owen after Chad's wonderful father William -we call him Bill. Anyways, so we named Owen after Bill and when I was pregnant with Luke we were trying to decide on what to name Luke. Chad thought why not name them both after him, after all he was a great father. Why not honor him again, so we did.