Above is a valentine "card" that Luke got from a classmate at school. Below is our valentine cards that we handed out to the other kids.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Their's and Ours...
Above is a valentine "card" that Luke got from a classmate at school. Below is our valentine cards that we handed out to the other kids.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Person and Item of the week
When we were growing up she would go without so us chitlens wouldn't have to, (there were after all, six of us). She cares so much about even the little problems in my life. I'll call her with a worry and then hours later she will call me back with a possible soloution. I know that she has been mulling over my trivial problem, and it makes me feel loved and cared for. She has seriously worked her fingers to the bone before (remember the bathroom grout incident?). She instilled in all of us a real drive and determination. Chad has discribed this as my best and worst quality. That once I set my mind to something, it will happen, it's only a matter of how quickly. I get this whole hartedly from her. I also get my busybodyness from her, she always has some projects going on but she is always willing to help anyone who needs her help. Growing up one of my favorite memories was taking treats around to neighbors, ringing their doorbell and running away. She was always so intune with what others needed and would go to the extra mile to lift them up through pastry.
I love thes baby wipes, they are ultra soft. They feel about as close to a cloth as you can get. They don't leave any tacky residue. Ther are fragrence free, (lets you smell only the true scent of your baby's bottom). They are also just flat out so freaking useful. I use them to clean up almost every surface of my car, and I use them to clean up stains on clothes or furniture. If used quickly they alone will bring up most carpet stains. I have them stashed all over my house and don't go through a day without using one for commericial household use. Another great thing is that they are so economical, for $15 bucks you get either ten or twelve packages! I know.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Person and Item of the week

Almost every morning I have the same breakfast. Yogurt, granola and some kind of fruit. After I had Lily my friend brought me over this granola and it is seriously so freaking good that everyone within the sound of my voice must stop what they are doing and make this granola. It will change you life, (at least your breakfast). But not only is it delicious it's also, (pause for dramatic effect) healthy. These two worlds of healthy and delicious rarely coincide so when it does we must share! So here you go.
4 c oats
1 1/2 c sliced almonds
1/2 c brown sugar (I use splenda brown sugar)
1/2 t cinnamon
1/2 t salt
Mix all these ingredients in large bowl.
1/4 c honey
1/4 c canola oil
1/8 c corn syrup
1/4 t molasses
Mix these four items over med-high heat till combined, but don't bring to boil. Remove from heat and add 1 t vanilla
Pour over the oat mixture and stir it all up to coat. Put onto large baking sheet and bake for 40-50 minutes at 300 degrees. Stir about every ten minutes so it gets evenly browned. Put into sealed contain and enjoy.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I don't get it?
Is it just me or has the world gone mad when Amy Winehouse wins five grammys! I've listened to her song Rehab twice and it's horrible. She has no talent, I could sing that song! And I admittedly have no talent. What the heck. Not only is she untalented but she is also hideous. I wouldn't usually be so harsh on someones uglyness but she has made herself more ugly, with all the tattoos, hair, makeup. Has the world gone mad, so these two bad things (hideousness and no talent) combined with the fact that she is a total drugie. I swear people want to be different so badly that they end up looking pathetically predictable. LOSER.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Person and Item of the week