Person of the week...Owie!!

Owen is the person of the week this week, a few days late. :) Owen is just such an amazing little boy whom I love very much. He has a great personality, he is so kind, considerate and loving. But there are two very different parts that make up this boy. The first I just mentioned and the other is this, all-boy extreme adventure kid. If Owen gets hurt nine times out of ten he'll stand up and keep going, blood dripping and all. I guess when you've experienced true pain the little stuff like scraped kness and stiches just don't seem too bad.
One of my favorite things about Owen is you cannot make eye contact with him without him smiling at you. He has been this way since the moment he started smiling as a baby. This just does my heart good. I mentioned earlier is that he is kind, well he is! So friendly and nice to EVERYONE. He always tries to include everyone, (even his pesky little brother). Owen doesn't see Luke that way at all though, they are such buddies. I'm sure it's because of Owen's example too. Those two are thick as theives, this makes me happy.
Owen is always looking for the best in situations and people too. He focuses on the postives and doesn't let stuff get him down. I'm not going to carry on about this in this post because most of you know what Owens been through; but he is just so brave. He has suffered more than anyone can ever really know but he doesn't use that as an excuse. Often times when he is sick, he's got a great smile on his face.
Owen has a couple of passions; coloring, riding his scooter, and guitar hero. He seriously colors and does art projects for hours everyday. He loves to get his scooter way up high on the moutain (our driveway) and come screaming down at full speed. His latest passion is for Guitar Hero, he has mastered easy mode and is now playing on medium. He routinely beats grown men (not his daddy...where do you think he gets his talent from anyway) but he beats all the guys Chad has over for fight night. And he beats me almost every time, and I play on easy!@!
Owen is also a peacemaker. A week or so ago I was so angry with Luke I almost couldn't see straight. Owen sees this, comes up to me and starts rubbing my arm and consoling me. Telling me that it will be okay soon, and tries to get Luke to cooperate. He just tries so hard to do good and to be good at all that he endeavors to do. I know that he's going to grow up fast and I'm trying to enjoy him while I get to.
I just beam with pride because I get to be his mama.
Item of the week... The Name of the Wind
This is the title of a great book that Chad and I finished a few weeks ago. It is by Patrick Rothfuss. It has it all; action, adventure, suspense, and love. It's the best book I've read in a long time. I would highly recommend it! Read it and you won't be disappointed. I'll warn you though, it's a trilogy and you will be tormented like we are waiting for the next installment.