Remember my super-swell
husband? Well this week he used his powers for good and made my day! Last Wednesday my other favorite man (Mr. UPS) brought me a package from one of my favorite stores (Nordstroms). Which was even more exciting because I didn't order anything from Nordstroms, I excitedly ripped open the box to find this beautiful dress inside. As soon as I saw the dress I knew that it was from my hubby (he loves to buy me dresses, isn't he great!...sorry unavailable though). I called him up at work to thank him, and he commented to me that at some point last week he had a surging of love for me and wanted to do something nice. See, isn't he great? Told you, but again I don't mean to advertise my man because he is taken.
Then today at church in aforementioned outfit, Owen asked me why I was wearing so many necklaces. I replied that I was just trying to be pretty. To which he responded, "why? you already are so pretty mommy."
So the Mead men made me feel oh so special and loved this week. Kisses to them both (and Luke for telling me he likes me the most because I give him candy!)