Snow day in Texas, time to call friends over for a rip roaring good time. School was let out Thursday due to the constant pouring down of snow and then canceled Friday from that accumulation. MOST SNOW IN RECORDED HISTORY IN TEXAS. Great, now we have some fascinating stories to tell our great-grandchildren.

Notice in Texas we do not have boots. We have cowboy boots!

If you look closely, you will see the Pam cooking spray in hand. Used to propel small children.

Look at the native out of his element.

Showing these children how it's done.

No waterproof coats. But plenty of trash bags.

The process of fun-making.

The snow may not look like tons to you northerners but the city is officially on high alert. No stores are open and everyone is hyper aware of any type of danger. Thank goodness this is Texas and we all own multiple automatic weapons. And no, I'm not exaggerating.

We all decided that Harrison looked similar to a Transformer.

Snow inside the barrier leads to tears. Little brothers are always such easy targets.

A great time was had by all. We are recovering from our various exploits and the local vegetation is on strike. We lost a couple of large branches but no trees, not the case for many of our neighbors. Approximately one out of two homes lost a large tree from the storm. Mother nature, one point.