I know that publication of Chad wearing this shirt will inevitably cause me to be again accused of losing it on purpose. Or an even more sinister accusation; throwing it away. But! I am not afraid. I have truth on my side and when we reach the pearly gates of heaven I WILL BE VINDICATED. For the loss of the yellow shirt and for Bob's death. Truth will be relieved as to what happened and I will forgive all those (I am looking at you Chad Burton) who have falsely accused me all these years.
This post is not about my innocence though, which I am! It is about my lovely husband, who is another year older today. Thirty-seven years ago he came into this world. He did some stuff and then when he was twenty-two he met me and his life really began. At least that's how I see it.
Since it is his birthday I thought I would take this opportunity to say how swell he is. He is possibly the best man I know, at least personally (I added the personally part, because I do not want to overstate his general wonderfulness and therefore lose credibility as to the truthfulness of how actually wonderful he is.) Are we clear? Clear.
Sitting her trying to enumerate all the wonderful qualities Chad posses just isn't conveying the sincerity of what a beautiful person he is. I could go through point by point saying Chad is. . .funny, fun, smart, clever, kind, thoughtful, generous, hard-working, self-sacrificing, loving, caring, sensitive, and on and on and on. But, that just isn't enough. It doesn't exactly show how crazy I am about him and how great I think he is. How lucky I know I am.
Like most things that are good, Chad is complicated and layered with unique qualities. When taken in there entirety together they demonstrate his depth of character.
I love you more today baby than I could have ever imagined. Often I sit in admiration of your strength, courage and desire to do good. You inspire me to be better, to do better. I cannot envision a better companion to go through this life with. Weeks ago you told me that I was your sun, well, baby YOU ARE MINE.