Why do people think that NYC is the greatest city on earth. It's stinky, people are rude, there are a zillion people there, I feel like I need to be dipped in Purell just from standing on a sidewalk, did I mention that people are rude? On another subject, a picture is truly worth a thousand words...
We are totally better than those Rocketts
Owie and Luke danced on that piano at FAO Schwartz
This is his tough guy pose.
Josh, (my little bro) and Owen sledding down Jason's (my older bro) front lawn.

Where's Waldo?

What I won't do for a photo. My greatest concern is for my shoes.

Favorite present that Santa brought Owen...the Chewbacca backpack.
Where's Waldo?
What I won't do for a photo. My greatest concern is for my shoes.
Favorite present that Santa brought Owen...the Chewbacca backpack.
Favorite activity... time together around the table, awweee.

Favorite photo... Lily's smile caught on film.
Favorite photo... Lily's smile caught on film.