Thursday, September 27, 2007

Attack of the fingernails!


  1. Could she be any more precious???? So cute . . . I feel so bad for them when they are all scratched up from their own fingernails! Is she a good baby? She is so sweet! I LOVE girls!

  2. Nice work, Jaime!! Finally you guys are evening the table over there - two girls, three boys. The world is coming back into equilibrium. Adam is going a little nuts over here in our family with only girl babies running around. He spends a lot more time these days watching football to get enough testosterone into the house so he can survive.

    I love the name Lily! She looks like she'll be able to hold her own with your boys. I hope you are getting good help and rest :)

  3. Jaime! I love your Jamie (Peterson) gave me the blog address and I loved seeing the pictures, the boys are getting so big. Lily is beautiful, congratulations!! I think that Jamie told you that I am getting married...can I get your address to send you an announcement?? I would love to hear from you! My e-mail is Congrats again! ~ Katie Peterson

  4. Hooray! Congratulations. She's just beautiful. Owen looks thrilled too. All our love, Kristy and fam.

  5. She is so perfect! I'm in love, I wish I could hold her. What a doll!

    Get some rest!

  6. Ok, newborns aren't supposed to be quite that cute! She is already pretty! I am so happy for you and your healthy happy new Lily! I Love her name, too! I'll call you soon...lots of love!

  7. So pretty! What a sweetheart. I wish I could hold her!!! I will call you soon because I am dying to know the details! Congrats! And I love what you named her.
