Friday, January 25, 2008

Person and Item of the week

I just got off the phone with Bill and got an inspiration. I'm going to take time every week on my blog and write about people and things that I love. So here is the first one. I've known Bill a little over ten years and have grown to love him very much. He is such an inspiration, he is always willing to talk and wants to know what is going on with us. He is loving and he lets those he loves know of his love for them. I really appreciate this and think it's a wonderful quality. He is also always up for a good time and is funny. My boys both love him and always want to stop by the airport to see him (they think he lives there). He is quite unselfish and always finds a way to get to see us frequently. I have listened to countless stories from Chads youth of things he did and places he went and almost always Bill was there. Bill took the time and was friends with his kids and his kids friends too. Whether it was paintball, basketball, movies, road trips you name it Bill was there. Subtly teaching Chad how to be a good righteous man. So, this weeks props goes to Bill. I've learned a lot from your example and I love you man!

These are my fleece socks that my mother-in-law Nan gave me when they were last here. I've worn them almost everyday(I wash them at night). It's been freaking freezing here lately, 30's and 40's~! I know, crazy...this is completely un-acceptable. I survive the boiling summers so I can wear flip-flops throughout the winter. There is hope though by Monday it's supposed to be in the 70's.


  1. First of all I love fleece socks - got a few pairs from my friends last year and this year :) My favorite thing is to lotion my feet and then stick them in those socks...nice! Also, I'm glad you have a great father in law. I've only met him once, at your wedding, but he was very nice then. Good for him for being such a good in law :)

  2. J,

    What do you want to know? I have a couple program outlines of parties I have done in the past. Do you want more of an Oscar night program with awards, performances etc. or something more casual like my b-day party?


  3. Good socks . . . I wish I had me a pair right now. Its freezing here! And I am so excited for you to come in the summer! Can't wait to see that Lily! (And of course your cute boys!) Also, Bill sounds really cool. I wish I had a dad like that growing up . . . Dang, too late, but at least I married a cool guy who is a great dad!

  4. your Lily is so beautiful! Loved the pics of her blessing day. Special times!

  5. P.S. I AM SO EXCITED to see you this summer...HOoRAY! I'll call you for dates etc...but I just want to make sure that our ritual of evening walks will take place as it always does when you are here and that our evenings will be filled with many a girls night out and/or good walks!

  6. I am with you on the warm socks, it is the only way I survive the winters in DC (and my entire life in Utah). Thanks for commenting on my blog, and for the compliment on my hair...I liked it too :)

    We will definitely need to talk Jamie into coming out here, we would have a blast!!

  7. What.....? You are coming to the Tri-Cities this summer? I want to see you!! I too love the fleece socks and yeah for Bill! He sounds like a wonderful father-in-law!
