Why God would do this? Make one gender singularly minded to catch the girl. And the other always trying to squirrel out of it and running away. Does he just like to look down and have a good laugh at our expense? Does he really love his daughters more? Is it that he finds it humorous to frustrate his sons. Is he getting back at them for childbirth, or nursing, or that we gain 5 lbs we have to get a whole new wardrobe but he gains 40 and he is still in the same jeans? Maybe, but I think I'll go along with the scientist on this one. Natural selection. Pure and simple, only the strong survive and only the best of the best get to catch us.
Without this the world would surely spin off it's axis. Imagine a world where men didn't help around the house, childcare assistance, lifting heavy objects, bringing home the bacon, and stopping by the store on the way home to bring home the actual bacon. These are some of the ways that the men in our lives chase us around and impress us, enough so that we slow down and let them catch us.
Or on the contrary, the world population would be like quatriple if there was no chase. No, the chase is a very necessary component of separating the wheat from the chaff.

It starts very young, so that they have time to "perfect" their strategy.
So, ladies if you have a good man in you life; loves you, good father, provider, protector. Let him catch you and...make him glad he chased you. :)
Wow- you got all that from watching squirrels chase each other. What a deep thinker! But I must admit...I have wondered before why God would make the "desire" so different for men and women. Thanks for clearing that up for me!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I love this post. So funny that you wrote about this, cause just the other day I was talking with a friend about this same issue! Why oh why is it like this! But you just made it seem like perfect sense! Good work. I should let my man chase me more often! I guess I am so fortunate to have a great guy chasing me!
ReplyDeleteWell put!
ReplyDeleteAmen! I've been caught...and am very happy!
ReplyDeleteLove it! You're so right! I'll nevva look at squirrels the same way again.
ReplyDeleteI love this post, & am glad I was caught :) Although I did let my suitors do their share of chasing and I have to admit I enjoyed it tremendously :) I can't believe how big Lily is getting. Oh, and in the photo where you are letting baloons go is that an apron you are wearing? IT IS ADORABLE and I must know where you got it. I miss you tons too. Do you want to come visit? PLEASE?