As last year was coming to a close I found myself thinking about my goals, as I am a list lover and checker off-er. All the usual suspects came to mind, get in shape, be more spiritual, etc. But the one characteristic that I most want to develop is patience. Patience and I aren't very close, I want things done now and my way. In the picture above as you can probably see I am irritated, I'm thinking stop playing with the
friggin camera and help me. I've got a crying baby and Luke is running all over the place,
agghhh. My own mother reports that I have never been patient. When I was a child I'd get frustrated and would shout out "Give me some impatience!" So as you can tell this has been a life long struggle in development. Children complicate the issue too; as they are a never ending pit of patience users. But I guess that is the point to it all too. Either they make you better, more kind, loving...patient. Or alternatively you go totally mad, which
some days quite honestly doesn't seem altogether too bad of a proposition.
The most important thing to me is creating a welcoming, loving
environment where people want to be. I hate feeling tense and irritated. I want to speak more kindly and still be using my indoor voice at bedtime. My list of goals for 2009 have shrunk. Hopefully this time next year I will be able to report that I have become mellow-yellow.

Here I am after my Christmas eve dinner, already trying to not let all the dishes get to me.

Oh, and this was just too funny not to post. A few weeks ago, Luke was home sick from school and he and Lily were being very quiet. Trouble. I found them like this, Luke was talking to her in his
doggie voice saying, "come on girl, come on lets go."
And the funny part was Lily thought it was funny and was totally cooperating with his little game.

Notice that Lily only has on one shoe.
Like, jaundice yellow??
ReplyDeleteDon't feel bad. I spew impatience. Always have. Always trying to work on it. Nice to know someone else out there can relate.
ReplyDeleteAmen sista. We read last year's resolutions before making new ones and when I said, "One of our goals was to not yell in the house anymore," Tess replied, "Well Mom, you for sure still do." Oops. I guess that resolution needs another go around. But this year's the year...I can feel it.