I had my first child. Owen William. He came into this world at 12 lbs. 7 oz. He looked like a toddler. I loved him instantly. He forever changed and refined me into a better woman. Having children has been the single most important/best thing I've ever done. I wouldn't say that I've loved every minute of it (motherhood can be challenging at times) but I would
definitely say that I've loved it every hour.

Owen and I today, he is growing up everyday. I keep trying to talk him into staying like this forever but he says that he can't and he wants to be adult. So that he can get his motorcycle (I'm working on convincing him that motorcycles are dumb...hasn't worked yet).

Happy birthday my first son, I love you. Your such a good boy, I am so proud of you.
Happy Birthday Owen! Jamie you look beautiful in BOTH pictures! Isn't motherhood just the best? What a good Mama you are!