Balloon wishes; Owen wished that he could be taller than everybody. I think he's going to get his wish.

Some muscle flexing prior to pinata, of course.

Whoa, watch out for that bat! The pinata has become a Mead birthday tradition. But Mr. Mead suggests that we retire it as a tradition due to outbreaks of conflict.

Presents! Hooray! Many many thanks to my wonderful friends (whom obviously are mad at me) for giving Owen such great gifts such as; skateboards, color-tinted water guns, four different types of
Nerf guns, etc. I will try to repay the favor in the future. :)

My happy birthday boy. Happy birthday to you...eat more chicken. This is the version of happy birthday song that these clever children came up with. You can't tell them that they aren't funny.

Lily with her surrogate sister, Jillian.

The birthday boy hanging out with his bro.

This is how we spent the birthday party. We're just glad no trips to the emergency room were made. Most of the kiddos we're dropped off but a few of my friends stuck around to help out. Upon Chad's arrival at the pool he said, "Are all these kids here for our party? I didn't know Owen had so many friends!"

New bike from Mom and Dad. Love you
Wow! huge fun pary!! we missed out! we missed our Dr. appt too...sick kids. Happy late bday to cute Owen!