The only moment the two were in the same vicinity. Every time I go on one of these I think I always have to come otherwise my child will be kidnapped for sure. Picture about a million children and a handful of adults in large open area near a busy road. Good times.

Contemplating farm life.

One of the few shots I was able to get of Luke. He's far too busy to stop for a picture.

Luke with his preschool class.

Okay. See the above picture. Well this almost was the last photo taken of Lily. She was at the top of this two story bounce/slid thing. And those million children I was telling you about all decided at once that they wanted to come up the stairs and go down the big slide too.
She's at the top, getting her courage up, they're ALL coming up the stairs. I'm at the bottom taking above picture when I hear a woman scream behind me. One of those you really know something is wrong screams. I look up and this two story slide thing is falling over sideways because there are so many kids on one side. Panic (possible because of that report last week of how a kid now has permanent brain damage due to this exact situation).
Now picture me, mother bear going insane and screaming at these children to get off the slide now. Most of whom were in such shock that they were frozen. Now picture me literally grabbing them and throwing them down the slide (I'm now super popular with the Bedford elementary people). But thankfully we (me and two other meanies) were able to get the kids off before it collapsed and suffocated sweet Lily.

After all that excitement we went over to the playground. Where Lily went directly to the top of any large structure, what's a mother to do?

Oh, look there is Luke and Lily in the same picture! And that awful huge slide is in the background. Anytime I didn't have eyes on the children I walked around like a crazy woman convinced they had been kidnapped. Ahh, the stress of having a fertile imagination.

Lily never gives up on her dreams of being big. But her eyes are often far bigger than her courage, thank goodness.
Ok, was this in Flower Mound? I took Scarlet to the one there & one of the bounce houses started collapsing with her and a bunch of other kids inside. We got all the other kids out, but Scarlet decided to hide in the corner. It was so scary--those things are heavy! With the help of another mom I was able to get her out. I guess those things are "bounce at your own risk!"