This year we spent Christmas eve with our friends the Hicks. We ate, and ate and ate, then enjoyed a most spiritual re-enactment of the Nativity. Then played a couple of games which, only affirms how much Chad and I aren't 'game' people. Which is really too bad for our children because they loved it. Christmas morning the kids opened presents and ate candy. We went out for our traditional Christmas morning breakfast, only we don't do it yearly. Only on the years that I give in and let us go though. I love to stay home and eat sticky buns and Chad loves to go out, so depending on the year our traditions change. I know that flies in the face of the very definition of the word traditional but, hey, this is my universe and I'm the queen round these parts.
. . .for the final gift of the morning, we told them to go and pack their bags cause. . .we're gonna to Disney world. Oh, how I hate that place. More to come.
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