Here in the lovely Arizona we have a blessed plant called Jumping Cactus. If ever there was a species of plants to eradicate. Luke, somehow, bless him, manages to find it no matter how little there is available. I have pulled this stupid plant out of his; arm, both legs, every single toe and feet. The funny thing is in addition to having to pull it out and thereby sticking myself in the process, HE FIGHTS ME EVERY TIME! I talk to him beforehand and try to reason with him that leaving it in just is not an option.
Never works. So, I get stuck every single time. BTW, Jumping Cactus for those of you lucky enough to not know is like a thistle but with sharp pointy needles about an inch long on all sides. So there is no easy way to get it out. Fun stuff.
But we do love us some Arizona weather, not the 110 plus stuff but 100 degrees is just about perfection.
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