As a mother to mostly boys (I'm going to half count Lily because while she is very much a girl, she is DEFINITELY crazy and will try pretty much anything). I love the rough and tumble nature of my kids. I have yet to have a mellow child, while they oftentimes stress me out with their shenanigans; I love it.
I love that when they see a pool they immediately try to see who can do the coolest flip/jump/spin into it. Why wouldn't you? That yesterday when we were riding our bikes home when we finally got to the blessed downhill part; Owen pedaled down it. Must.go.faster.
I firmly believe that it is easier trying to tame (if you will) someones spirit than trying to put spirit into someone. While right now it is difficult trying to keep them alive, I am grateful that they are out there leading their adventures. Fearlessly embracing this life.
These boys love each other; but they also fight, blame it on that testosterone. It makes them do crazy things. It's fun to see them slow down on occasion. They'll sit with and Jack an coax a smile out of him. Then shout for everyone to come and see the billionth smile this boy has given us. We all come too because, they are pretty amazing after all.
While I'm busy trying to keep heads attached to bodies and arms free of metal screws I am content with the spirits of my children. I like who they are. I am excited to see where their senses of adventure will take them in this life. Enjoying my time with them as a most interested spectator.
wonder way to view this crazy time in life :)