Want some milk? Want Jack to ask for it for you? That is like, totally something he would do for you.

Another trick that is also cuter than puppies is pointer. You know the song, 'Where is pointer where is pointer here I am here I am'
Well, Jack loves this silly song and I'm a sucker for my boy so I've been singing it to him. When I sing it to him now though, he follows along and does the actions! But he's super clever, if I ask him where is pointer in the tone of the song he brings out his pointer finger and bends it like the song but if I just nonchalantly say 'where is pointer' then he'll bring his chubby index finger forward and show you pointer!! Jack has transitioned this skill into watching the 'You've got cookie so share it maybe' song over and over again. Once the song ends he takes pointer, points it at the computer screen and gives an encouraging grunt.
Want to know where Jack's nose is? Just ask him, he'll tots show you that one too.
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