I come out from cleaning the master bath, I scream out RUBBY! She gives me a look of 'whatcha lookin at fool' and saunters off. I get this all cleaned up and just as I'm taking the vacuum back to the laundry room I hear an evil giggling. The kind of which are only made while evil deeds of mess making are begin performed. Lily has taken our fifty pound bag of dog food and dumped it somehow all out onto the floor. Then she proceeded to lay on top and wildly roll around in it while using her arms to spread it out to as far as she could manage (she quite talented). I could give her away at this point.
Those who know me know I love tidy. Oh, how I heart tidy. And I was in the middle of doing my weekly tidy (chores) when I got this and the cat little cleanup patrol added to my list. Thank you.
That's it. Out she must go. Into the backyard, out where children and dogs belong. I locked the door and went about cleaning up dog food pebbles. She had been outside for six minutes. Upon my return I couldn't believe my eyes. She had de-potted all of my HUGE patio pots. All six which are about a two and a half feet diameter at the top, which hold my blessed; lime tree, cilantro, rosemary, parsley, basil, thyme, oregano, lemon trees. I wish I would of had the state of mind to take a picture so you can get the image of how huge they all were and what a freakin disaster it was. Plants/trees everywhere and Lily and the dog tearing them apart. Heaven help me. Actually, Lily is the one who really needs help because that girl is so past being on thin ice.
Lunch time, thank heavens for leftovers. I heat her's up, serve it up with a nice cup of water and even kiss her on the cheek because I'm the forgiving sort. And do you know what that child o mine did. She took a look at the lunch, then at me, then picked up her lunch and flung it so far that it landed all over the walls/couch in the next room over.
Ring ring...devil calling, "Lillian Madison Mead your doing just great."
What a completely awful day! That being said, you are hilarious! I was cracking up throughout the post. I told my friend about it and she couldn't believe it all happened in one day. What a little imp! Hopefully she didn't get too busted.