And on another Owie note I had to post about Owen and his yellow days at school. There is a color system in place to help kids listen and do what they should. It's yellow, green, blue and red. Red means you have to go to the Principal's office because you've not listened to four warnings and done something so super bad, like punch someone in the face (Owen's definition). Blue means that you've had not a great day, you've had to be redirected two or more times. Green means that you had a great day with no redirection or interruptions, etc.
Yellow is something that the teacher set up as a goal for students who want to go above and beyond the normal good behavior requirement. You don't get it for simply not interrupting or doing what you should be doing all day, that would still be a green day (I get my info from small children, you know). No, to get a yellow is something that is hard to do and is only given out when the teacher sees a student going way above and beyond what is expected.
Owens teacher Mrs. Cady told the class at the beginning of the year about the color system. Owen came home and announced that he was going to try and be yellow everyday. Mrs. Cady warned the students that on average she gives out approx. five or six depending on the student for the whole year.
Well, just yesterday Owen brought home his twentieth yellow. I knew he was getting them way more than average and his teacher even called me about it. She said at one point she stopped giving them to him because she was giving them out to him all the time. That was something she wasn't used to. But then she relayed to me that it occurred to her that the behavior she wasn't rewarding with a yellow to Owen for would have most definitely been a yellow for any other student. So she resumed giving out yellows to our boy.
Some of the things he did to receive the yellows were; running over and pulling out her chair for her every time she sat down and insisting that he should open the every door that she walks through. Rallying the kids to all make a good choice and stop talking when they weren't supposed to be. Giving his non ripped pumpkin die cut paper to another student whose was ripped and was very upset about it.
This type of stuff exemplifies who Owen is. He is kind and wants to do good and help other people. He is so driven when a goal has been set. He makes life peaceful (when he's NOT teasing) and easier. He eases my burdens often. We are so proud of our sweet Owie. Love you son.
Way to go Owen! That is so great! What a good kid. Love the workout routine! I might have to try that one!