"do you think there will be tulips on temple square in March?"
Hundreds of people were polled; varying answers resulted. The day came, March 14th 1997 and there wasn't a single tulip on temple square. Nada. Mr. Mead being the wonderful man he is takes this day now and fills my life with tulips. Fifteen years have passed; we have good times, bad times and downright wonderful times.
The mister and I have been through a lot together and laughed more than anybody could hope for. Our courtship was marked by us sitting on the couch or one of our twin beds (oh la la) talking late into the night. Three days after we met we sat on a couch and talked for twelve hours straight. Communicators we are!
I couldn't hope for a better partner to file my days away with. He's not prefect and I certainly am not but we don't focus on what isn't (learned that a long time ago). We both try to emphasize and concentrate on the good and let go of the rest. I count myself a lucky girl that I managed to "ensnare him with my sweet sweet trickery"--actual words from his proposal.
From our first kiss while watching Dumb and Dumber to him giving Lily a bath two days ago (equally sexy) this man has my love.
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