Four year olds are cool, except when they are pure evil; which is hardly ever. . .have you met the wonder that is Lily?

e-Nemember is Lily's way of saying remember. Her other words I adore are:
--Burger (she practically purrs this word), "mom, can we go to Donalds and get a buuuuurrrrgggggeeerrr."
--TD, (this is in place of TV), "mom, can you turn on the TD, I wanna watch Peppa Pig?"
--People's house, (this is asking for a friend to play with), " mom I wanna go to people's house!!!!"
--Jackie; she only refers to Jack as Jackie. I want to burn into my memory the sounds of her talking to him. "Ohhhh, baby Jackie wloves me."
She stands next to his crib on our rocking dog and talks to him. She does this every opportunity. The second Jacks wakes she finds her way back and coos at him.
--ha ha ha ha ha, (she is big into mocking, but doesn't understand when or where it is appropriate, so she just mocks liberally), "ha ha ha ha ha."
I stand by in these moments and feel immense pride.

--Awkward, (this a new one and she never gets it in the right context), Luke: "Owen, you want to go outside and get the mail together?" Lily: "Awkward."

On a daily basis I find photographs like this on my phone. I've said it a million times but I just can't say it enough to properly communicate this; I love this girl.
That is all.
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