Dear babies,
You're never going to believe this but. . .I am a person and I have feelings. When you step on my foot and walk away like it never happened--it hurts. You still don't remember to tell me you're sorry yet, so I remind you (sometimes gently, other-times--more of an irritated/pissed off/I'm super mad at you way). I hope by the time I'm done raising you that you realize and can appreciate that yes, my mother is a human being. Maybe that'll be the mark for whether I've done a decent job raising you?

Owie--you asked me tonight what it is I do while you're at school (partially, I'm sure because you're staying home sick from school tomorrow and want a sneak peak into what thrilling things lay ahead). The answer. . .whatever I damn well please, thank you very much!
Well, not really. I do (do) a lot of cleaning, cooking, shopping, children pertaining phone calls, doctor and therapy visits for Jackie, etc etc etc. But, pretty much every day I do things I enjoy (remember what I said before about me being human?), things like: hot yoga, regular yoga poolside while the waterfall is going, hiking the trails behind our house, tennis, paddle boarding on the river or lake, lunch with friends, walks with friends, solo clothing shopping trips for moi, time spent reading books not about parenting or special needs, thumbing through design magazines and blogs, wasting time on the internet, listening to somewhat inappropriate music, throw in some time spent in prayer/meditation/study, oh and don't forget naps--I adore napping.
Raising the four of you children is the best thing I've ever done. I love it; you bring me joy daily. I love each of you so much that it hurts, sometimes. I love seeing you grow and change. I also love seeing the parts that haven't changed; those characteristics and personality traits that were yours from infancy. . It really is quite brilliant being your mama.
I'm trying to give you my best everyday; I reserve some of that for me too though and that's a good thing.
So, if you step on my foot or accidentally kick me while you step over my leg--a simple "oops, sorry" goes along way my babies. Always remember--mommy loves you--
where in sam hill did that skirt come from?