It's the middle of the day on a Monday and I'm wearing lipstick. It's a miracle.

Mr. Mead was trying to compliment me yesterday about how sessy I was looking at the moment. It went something like this, " Waimy, you're lookin good!!! Those high heel shoes, the panty hose, tight sweater (etc, etc, etc) and you even have LIPSTICK too!! (hopefully the all caps relay the emphasis he put on this point)."
Something about the way he said it made me a wee defensive for a sec; I mean, are you sayin that I rarely look this together???!!! A few minutes later there was a meeting of the minds; "waim, you're beautiful but ya' know. . .Sunday's are usually your high water mark though."
. . .Sunday's, you better watch out for Mondays!
(I'm probably going to be in trouble now (tee he he))
P.S. A few favorite things of the day:: Phillip Phillips song Home---it's up loud and on repeat (go ahead and live with me--I will make you hate a song by listening to it one bazillion times), Flowerbomb perfume from Sephora--perfection, my UGG slippers--obviously and Pawn Shops!!!---along with the paddleboard Mr. Mead gave me for my birthday I scored a Michael Kors watch I've been crushing on but couldn't pull the trigger on due to it's $300 price tag. Pawn Shop price?---$65 bucks, its possibly stolen, but it needed a good home, so I decided to put it out of it's misery. ~~~love~~~
and by UGGS - you mean the OLD/NEW ones.