Last week Jackie went in for two small surgeries (one to a very private area and the other for his heart surgery incision--it was herniated)

While I was waiting for them to take Jackie back I received this text from daddy who was getting Lily pad off to a friends house before heading over. Yes, those are the ballet slippers that she was wearing last year when she got lost (the time Owen and his friend took her hiking then told her to go home. . .).
Poor Jackie tried to jump once I told him what was about to transpire.
No matter how many times I've been through the recovery process with three outta four of my children (Owie- five times, Luke-three times, and now Jackie-two times) IT NEVER GETS EASIER!! I absolutely hate seeing them like this; sleepy, lifeless and then the anesthesia grumpies--fughettdiaboutet.
Even though, this is pretty cute/heartbreaking--as I was walking to the recovery room talking with the anesthesiologist about the procedure (funny story here at the end), we approached Jack's bedside (we were speaking somewhat quietly but not a whisper), the anesthesiologist was saying that Jack would be waking up sometime in the next 30 to 45 minutes and that it's best to just let him rest and sleep a wee bit so he's not so grumpy. I said okay, sounds good thank you, etc. . . and Jack's eyes shot open super big at the sound of my voice and look quickly around the room for me, I gave him a smile then he immediately drifted off back to sleep. The doctor and nurses giggled saying, "he heard your voice and wanted to see his mama."
This is the part that makes me sad--after hearing my voice and drifting back off he kept opening his eyes to make sure I was still there. He'd look over at me and upon seeing me close his eyes and drift back off to sleep, but every few minutes he'd need that reassurance and look for me again. Broke my heart that he was worrying "where's my mama?" So I pressed my cheek right up against his so that he'd have the constant feeling of ---my mama's right next to me---
With this, he slept a solid forty more minutes and didn't open his eyes once. I--looked ridiculous but this is my baby people! What won't I do for him!!
We got home after Jack's knife fight with two surgeons and he was wiped. Grumpy, sore, tired and hungry; we watched the wiggles on the couch, ate a bagel and took a nice long nap.
Curious about the funny convo with the anesthesiologist? Wait no more. . .
"So, um, this was kind of a strange procedure."
"Really?, What do you mean?"
"Well, I'm guessing that you or your husband must be well connected or something."
"Huh" <---- data-blogger-escaped-eh="" data-blogger-escaped-eloquent="" data-blogger-escaped-p="">
"It's just not every day that a heart surgeon scrubs in and assists with a circumcision in a level one operating room. This sort of procedure usually is an outpatient sorta thing."
***what follows is seriously my response and I seriously love myself a little bit more for it***
"We take our penises very seriously in our family."
. . .he almost choked he was laughing so hard.
you better pat yourself on the back twice for that.