There has been a lot of staring going on at our house lately. So much that another un-newborn child is jealous. Chad came up with the idea that Lily needed some uninterrupted staring time. Time where you seriously just stare at her. It sounds like the kind of thing that would end rather quickly but the opposite is actually true.
Like a true woman she fills up those quiet moments with chatter. Lily's mouth will run away in conversation and the designated starer will sit and look intently upon her face. She doesn't even need you to participate in the conversation. In fact any participation by the starer is cue for her to speak faster and more loud. I say more in reference to the word loud just to give you a baseline of where we are starting from.
We are already at the outside of the conversation at loud. As the one sided conversation continues her tone rises and falls as she conveys her excitement over this or that. Things like;
. . . something Lukey did
. . . how her new gogos went boom
. . . how Duke jumped and she went crash!
. . . I picked the fowers and dropped it but then i pwicked em up and wow!
. . . I wanna go wimming, I wanna go wimming, I don't care it cold, I like cold.
. . . then I gonna kick kick kick and wim.
. . . poop!
. . . I coulored the pwincess book and look! Beautiful.
So stare at her we must, for she desperately needs it. Two to three times per day at least. I'm not sure what Chad is thinking during his staring sessions, I deduce from the frequency of his sessions that he must be enjoying them as well. For me, I sit and stare at our little girl and think just how much I love her. How beautiful I think she is. How much I love the type of rough and tumble girl she is.
. . .how lovely these times are that we have together are.
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