A couple of weeks ago we went to our first down syndrome walk. We weren't sure what to expect. We got there an hour and half late for check in. And thank goodness! We checked in, got our t-shirts and had another hour to kill. Thankfully they had music, bounce houses, hair coloring and face painting to do.
Good thing they will always have their mother to think their cute.
Lily is a 10 on the cuteness scale.
The boys got boatloads of candy and tiny foam footballs. We lost count after Luke had collected eight.
Shelly and Cavin
Now we don't think we should walk down the street without crowds of people cheering for us. It's just how life should be.
We celebrated with the ASU crowds. Walked the parade route down the center of ASU. Got to the end and promptly turned around and went home.
. . .yeah we're hard core.
We love.
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