Saturday morning I woke at three in the morning. My back was killing me and my stomach was tightening up every five minutes. Is this labor? No. Tried to go back to sleep. Two hours of this I finally gave up and figured I might as well go into the hospital to see if I was in labor. I couldn't sleep anyways. Chad helped me pack my bag and told me to call him to let him know. So, I drove myself to labor and delivery at Banner Gateway hospital. I didn't want to wake up anyone if I wasn't really in labor. Checked myself in and sure enough, I was in labor.
They tried some fluids for two hours to see if they could stop labor, send me home and have me come back Monday for my scheduled c-section. Nope. No stopping of the labor. They decided to go ahead and do the section right away. Once they decided that, it was a fire drill. Called Chad and had him get over to the hospital ASAP. He was getting the kids situated with our friends the Yorks.
Every person who came into my room, nurses, anesthesia, my OB, hospital paperwork person, would alarmingly ask me "where is your husband?!" Soon enough Chad got there, waited eight minutes, then stated, "what was the big hurry for me to get here, it looks like this is going to take a couple more hours to get going."
I'm thinking, "what's the hurry for you to get here?!". . .your wife is in labor you ninny!
. . .I tried to remember what I loved about him and how if I murdered my children's father, that would make it harder on me in the long run. So live, he must.
Eighty four seconds after Chad's incredibly stupid statement the nurses and anesthesia came in and escorted us to the operating room.
Dr. Beck who isn't my OB by rather my OB's partner delivered Jack. For some reason this was the most uncomfortable c-section. Tugging, pulling, pushing, makes me feel sick to even think back on it. Part of the problem was probably that the way the operating lights were tilted I could see the entire surgery.
. . .never do that. It will make you feel ill to watch yourself being operated on.
I know I could just exercise some self control but it was like a bad car accident, I just couldn't look away.
Jackson was born at 10:54 and came out with a bang! Literally. He came out peeing according to the surgery teams exclamations.
He was a champ from the get go. His Apgar scores were eight and then nine. Such a little man.
Here I am after. I look rather orange. Not sure what that is from.
Chad holding Jack for the first time. You can't really see it but underneath Chad's scrubs is a yellow shirt that Chad has worn for every delivery of our children. I've never thought much of it until I saw him show up to the hospital in it. I remembered that he'd worn it for all of the other deliveries. His lucky charm I guess.
Here I am getting to hold Jack for the first time, six hours after he was born. Chad and I walked together to the NICU. I pushed my IV pole with one hand and held Chad's hand with the other. As we walked together to be with our son I thought this is the last time we will do this. It felt right though. Jack is our last child but our time with him will bring many many firsts I'm sure.
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