"Look! Something shiny over there, check it out Jackie!"
Slinks out the door.
Luke, Lily, Jack and I were bound for the zoo.
Luke has always been nuts for animals. He'll even pick up gross bugs, at which point I do self talk and try not to act disgusted. Jack and Lily came along for the good time. Luke and Lily were both really good too being as I had to stop and nurse Jack twice. They stayed together and got to get a really good look at the Baboons and Reptile house.
The longer stay at the Baboons brought up some really good conversation about animal breeding habits. To which Lily did her signature "Ha ha haha ha" laugh. A laugh that she let rip on me the other day upon seeing me naked while coming out of the shower.
I'm trying to not take it personal.
I'm going to try and take each child out of school once or twice each year and spend the day doing something that interests each child. Goals, people, goals.
Maybe some one on one parent time will cut down on future days of skipped school. Even though I have such fine memories of cutting class. Many I will not share (I want my kids to not be social deviants after all). But one of my favorites took place my Sophomore year of high school. My friends, Cassie, Brooke, Laniya and I got the great idea to go over and pay a visit to our rival high school. Kamiakin. Ohhh, the evil rival high school, but I actually liked our rival high school. I mean, there were a bunch of cute guys who went there.
So, we stared off without a plan but over the course of the ten minute car trip we came up with a plan. We'd pull their fire alarm. Imagine how evil it could have been if the car ride was twenty minutes! I was the driver and we were in my trusty first car, snot. Lovingly given that name by Heather McCain because every time you turned left antifreeze would shoot out the passenger side . It also didn't have any heat. A beaut, let me tell you, a beaut.
We pulled up in the back area by the kitchen. I used my amazing mad driving skills and backed my car right up on the curb. Right next to the four double doors leading in to the school. I can't remember who got out and pulled it, probably Brooke but pulled it she did! We made a clean getaway and it was so much fun we did it again a couple of months later.
Hopefully by the time my children are teenagers they will think I'm so lame that they won't read this. These days if kids do anything remotely like this they are just about sent before a firing squad. What a shame. Some good ole fashion community disorderly conduct.
Lily up a tree. Where she belongs.
Balance, balance do not look down!
Where's Luke?
Jackie boy was so good. His first time to the zoo outside of my body. We went when I was six months pregnant on a field trip for Luke's class. Above 100 degree temperatures made it so miserable that within the hour I had collected up Luke and Lily and we were outta there.
Zoo in October = pleasant, I don't want to kill myself or you time.
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