Moments like this make me think of a saying you've probably heard before:
'Be extra kind to everyone you meet because about half of the people you encounter are in some sort of crisis. So you'll be right about half the time."
How true that is. What does this the extra bit of kindness cost you? Hold eye contact for a moment, accompanied with a smile, to communicate,
"I see you."
People suffer, but we march on, often unaware of a stranger's pain, sadness and worries. Simply by taking a moment and giving a kind smile or word can ease a burden. I have been humbled to be the recipient of so many of these gestures. They have indeed made a difference. As I sit in this waiting room I feel comforted. I know it is the spirt giving me comfort. What a gift that our Father in Heaven gives to us, his children.
***Surgery update***
Jack is four hours into the surgery at this point. The OR nurse comes out just about on the hour (bless that woman), she reports that he is very stable. His stats are good and his body is strong. There haven't been any reconstruction surprises with the heart. Things are progressing normally.
***Another surgery update since I wrote***
Nurse just came out. They are slowing the repair pace as the VSD defect is very high and at an angle, causing some problems. But nurse reports that Jack is a rock (her words). He is very stable and doing well.
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