Stay tuned till the end and you'll get your first and last peek of me in some lingerie. I figure that sentence could go one of two ways: nothing will stop you until you see aforementioned photo or, you have already shut down you're computer and are frantically attempting a mind erase for the mental image that you had upon reading that line.
Apparently Boden, Crewcuts, and Janie and Jack are all; weird. It is kind of sad; Lily, my only chance to play dress up with my very own real life doll. . .wants to look like a rag-a-muffin ALL THE TIME. And, to be fair, she usually does.
It is a sort of negotiation she and I have routinely; (occasionally when I have an extra five minutes before we have to be somewhere to be and I have a moment to get her to brush her hair and in semi-decent clothing), me to Lily, "Lily it's time to change your clothes, you may change them when we get home but you have to come here and pick between these two outfits that I picked out."
She begrudgingly chooses and for a brief moment in time she doesn't look like she belongs at Walmart. ;) For those of you who may be offended at that, never fear! Most of the time I don't have those extra five minutes and she does look like she belongs there.
Here is how she wants to dress ALL THE TIME. I curse the existence of these two items of clothing.

The tiered dress and the monkey shirt. Burn in hell I tell you!!! Notice the hair? Yeah, that's how her hair looks on a good day. As I was looking through my photos I came across a bunch of me growing up and had to laugh. Because I was the exact same. Ugh. My mom, bless that woman, would sew beautiful clothes for me to wear. I would wear them, come home and immediately rip them off to put on well. . .I'll let you decide.
How my mother wanted me to look. . .

Her dress, but I jazzed it up with a very sophisticated glow in the dark necklace and my friends headband. You know, for flare.
Leg warmers too, yeah! Why the heck not!

Suspenders and sweater, white bow and a heart shaped purse! Genius.

High-tops, in white no less, yellow pants with pink shirt and a heart shaped watch. Ohhh.

And finally, what those of you how have stuck around have been dying to see. . .the Victoria's Secret shot. Man! All I've got to say about all the photos of myself in this post is: I HAVE THE WORLDS MOST AMAZING FASHION SENSE.
. . .carry on Lily carry on, maybe you're onto something after all.
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