A couple of Sundays ago Chad and I were in the office doing important internet research. Him on the laptop playing chess and I on the desktop surfing design blogs. You know.
It was late in the day and both of us had kind of had it with the kids. We had just sent all of them out to roam the desert to give us some peace when Lily came busting into the office. She was greeted by Chad and I simultaneously telling her to get out! Not necessarily in a mean tone, but in an I'm not effing around tone. Is effing an offensive term? I certainly hope not; while I don't particularly use the term in my regular dialogue. It does find it's way out occasionally to add that extra bit of umph when the situation calls for it.
Anyways, now that you've lost a little bit more respect for me we shall move on. Upon us commanding her out of the room she left us with one last line. To enjoy it as much as we did read it according to the directions that are in the parenthesis.
Lily to both of us: " WHAT!!!!"(exasperated and quite loud) then she turned and as she walked out of the room she continues,
. . ."I love you." (dejected and quietly stated so as to manipulate)
We already know just how much trouble we are in for.
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