The kids have been off school for Christmas break and we have been enjoying ourselves. I've taken to sleeping in every morning while the kids systematically destroy the house. Luke has taken to making breakfast for everyone; notice he thinks my favorite breakfast consists of flowers and water. Chad's is of course Diet Coke and cereal.
Lily still uses Duke as her dance partner. Notwithstanding his urging her to a different partner using his only method of communication: his mouth.
Poor Owie's blood sugars are getting higher and higher; we've been faithfully recording his blood sugars and food intake for two weeks now. This week he goes to the endocrinologist and will probably go on insulin. It's a good thing he likes eggs and can make them himself.
Luke reads stories to Jack on his favorite genre; dinosaurs.
And Jack pretended to be interested in Luke's favorite subject; while he was really thinking of his favorite subject.
Which was: anything involving milk.
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