Last week Chad came home with a most lovely crochet blanket for Jackson. It was done by a co-worker of Chad's, Brenda. Chad and I were both so moved by the time and effort it must have taken. People are just so, good.
Now the family of blankies is complete, all of our children have blankies knitted, crocheted or sewn by friends of the family.
Owen's-Karma Wright
Luke's-Kelly Meisse
Lily's-Samantha Ferris
Jackson's-Brenda Grote
I've kept all of their blankets in their memory boxes. All of the blankets were a daily part of the children's lives for many years. They slept with them, carried them all over the house, threw up on them (Luke), and loved them most of all. Until each of their days came where I knew it was time to sneak their blankies away. Occasionally they'd discover them and the blankets would re-immerse themselves in our daily lives. Only to re-disappear months later.
Now it is Jackson's time to love on his blankie and we're so grateful to Brenda and all of the others that have given the gift of comfort to our children.
Jamie, I just read many of your previous posts on the baby. He is absolutely beautiful and reading your thoughts on him brought tears to my eyes. I didn't even know you were having another. He is a VERY special boy! Congratulations to both you and Chad.