Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ding dong the witch is dead

Technically she just has a new owner, but to me she is dead. This may sound harsh but as you can see by the picture below she is not totally innocent herself. Peggy, we will not miss you. You were a terrible cat who meowed all the time, bit the children and I. So off you go to a new sucker who will figure out probably by tonight that you are a lemon of a cat.

Monday Owen was petting Peggy when she bit his cheek. This was the fourth time she's done this so, off she went. Usually when kids are involved I give the animal the benefit of doubt. But I've personally witnessed Peggy bit and scratch unprovoked many a time. Owen was always very gentle with her and now he will have another scar on his beautiful little face. Stupid cat.


  1. LOL...I TOTALLY understand. When we were growing up we,too, had a psycho cat. Her name was Tigger. She was known throughout the neighborhood for tormenting innocent dogs, attacking women with strollers full of babies, etc, etc. She finally disappeared, and we believe a neighbor had finally had enough and shot her... good riddance to all cats like these! (and to all you animal lovers, no, I am not condoning animal violence!)

  2. I completely agree with your actions to get rid of this feisty animal! We also have a cat that has scratched and bitten faces. It is not ok. If it gets any worse Buster will also be gone. I hope his sweet face doesn't scar!!!

  3. Oh I just hate cats! Good Riddance to you Peggy! And congratulations on a cat free home! I think every home should be cat free! (Why am I going to hell!!!!) But Its true!

  4. I agree with everyone. Cats are the devil! I have never been much of an animal lover, but I epecially dislike cats. I had to babysit my sister-in-law's cat once and it was horrible! Cat hair everywhere! Ugh. Glad Peggy is gone!

  5. P.S. I saw Josh at the movies last friday night. Crazy. He looked great. I was with Theryn and he pointed out Josh and John Radford. Crazy who you run into in REXBURG!

  6. Oh, look how sweet Owen looks and how scary Peggy looks. Poor Owen.

  7. Yeah, NO MORE CATS!!!!!!!!!!! I too am not a cat lover. I am glad that she is gone and I have to say I was laughing pretty hard at your writeup! Poor Owen! Dumb cat!! Jamie, this is so random, but, YOU'RE GETTING SO CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! How are you doing?
