Thursday, August 16, 2007

ER visit number 367889

Okay maybe we haven't been 367889 times but it is darn close. Owen's beautiful little face took yet another hit today from his beloved brother Luke. We were making cookies when Luke hit Owen's nose with what else but a garlic press. On our way out the door Luke began to happily say sorry to Owen. I want to find some way to record it because it's the cutest thing you've ever heard. It's a high pitched noise that sounds so happy "SORRY!!" And in classic Owen fashion he immediately forgave him and said that it was okay. Man. Hopefully this little girl I'm about to have comes out with her fists drawn or I don't know how she'll make it around here.


  1. I think you're right about your baby girl needing her fists drawn. Life with boys can be tough ( I have 5 brothers and there were lots of injuries). But boys are SO FUN too! I hope he's feeling better!

  2. I guarantee that baby girl will be able to hold her own. She won't have a choice! :)

    A garlic press, why couldn't he have used a turkey baster?

  3. Poor Owen! Boys are so funny! I hope that I get to have one sometime!

  4. So this is how domestically challenged I am . . . . what is a garlic press? How much damage did it do? any stitches! Maybe I should learn how to cook!
