Saturday, January 2, 2010

Friends, stairs and sleeping bags. An excellent start.

Had some of the kids friends over the other day (even though we love having kids over and it's usually a daily event to have additional children running my halls). Luke would not only go down but he'd roll around while on the way down. Mix it up boy!
We threw in some sleeping bags and told them to have at it. Upon seeing what level they took that to we gave a couple safety instructions. These kids have NO conception of what ER co-pays run these days (even though we're on the frequent customer card).
The instructions were; lean your head back (not directly towards the large stair post at the bottom stair), and slow yourself down with your hands.
Owen and his BFF Harrison getting ready to have a race.
They did this for about two hours. I CANNOT imagine doing that now (post traumatic roller blading injury) but twenty years ago I would have been right there. Going down head first baby, and yes they get this stuff from me.

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