Sunday, June 15, 2014

I'm going to take that as a yes

This is Lily's new favorite phrase and it makes me laugh every single time (on the inside (I have to maintain some authority)). How it goes is she that will ask you for something or ask a question about an outing or a request for a "best friend" to come play. Then 2.4 seconds after asking (about the same time as it takes you to process the first five words of her sentence) she'll follow up with, "I'm going to take that as a yes."

It's just so Lily and it kills me. These days she's demanding, loud, rambunctious, fast, willful adventurous and wild. Wrap all of that up into a little girl who has a ZEST for living that is unparalleled. Raising a child with this much joy for life is challenging but I absolutely love who she is and wouldn't change a hair on her beautiful head. 

**It was very sad this past week when she got food poisoning from eating undercooked bacon. She was so so sick (like projectile vomiting for eight hours straight sick)! It took her two full days after to recover and everyone felt just plain awful for her! I found a few photos of her from over the past few years that I love and are little snippets of this awesome girl.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! Your photos seem to really capture her radiant personality. I wish we lived closer. I just know she and Audrey would be great friends.
