Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Revenge? Revenge will be mine.

Lily. Oh sweet Lily. What has happened to us? Remember when we liked you? Things were better then. We used to talk about how fun and cute you were. Always saying things like, "Lily did the cutest thing today, . . ." And feeling a wee bit guilty because we liked you best. But no more. You are not the favorite anymore (that spot has been taken over by the cat). You are now something to be endured.
I'm sure your wondering why you lovely mother who loves you so dearly would say such vicious things about her only daughter. Hummm, let me see. . .maybe it has something to do with the fact that you are now taking off all your clothes and pooping/peeing in various places around the house.

Oh yes, that's definitely it. So don't feel too badly for Rubby, she's having her fun now. Destroying innocent couches, tables, fragile cups, anything cream, candles, anything a ball point pen could damage (and we own one ball point pen! Which I'm always moving and hiding from her!) and mother's favorite bangle bracelet. Enjoy it while you can; because I'm already plotting revenge, my little one.


  1. If it makes you feel any better, my little girl used to spread her poopy diapers all over her crib....it royally sucked and it lasted longer than I care to remember....

  2. Russians say revenge is a soup best served cold. Boy is that true for parents. The times I left you on the side of the road, ignored you till you were 22 years old, called you jabber, because all you did was talk and nobody could understand a word you were saying at the top of you voice, etc.

    Keep up the posts, revenge is sweet.


  3. My parents get a lot of pleasure out of my pain now too. In fact, my dad says revenge is grandchildren... :) So Miss Lillian's turn will come too...
