Friday, February 15, 2008

Person and Item of the week

Person of the week...Mr. Potato Head Optimus Prime

Mr. Potato Head is my person of the week. He changes with the times (the Optimus Prime outfit) but is still that old reliable toy that somehow stays so chic. Doesn't he look suprised?

Item of the breakfast!

Almost every morning I have the same breakfast. Yogurt, granola and some kind of fruit. After I had Lily my friend brought me over this granola and it is seriously so freaking good that everyone within the sound of my voice must stop what they are doing and make this granola. It will change you life, (at least your breakfast). But not only is it delicious it's also, (pause for dramatic effect) healthy. These two worlds of healthy and delicious rarely coincide so when it does we must share! So here you go.

4 c oats
1 1/2 c sliced almonds
1/2 c brown sugar (I use splenda brown sugar)
1/2 t cinnamon
1/2 t salt
Mix all these ingredients in large bowl.
1/4 c honey
1/4 c canola oil
1/8 c corn syrup
1/4 t molasses
Mix these four items over med-high heat till combined, but don't bring to boil. Remove from heat and add 1 t vanilla
Pour over the oat mixture and stir it all up to coat. Put onto large baking sheet and bake for 40-50 minutes at 300 degrees. Stir about every ten minutes so it gets evenly browned. Put into sealed contain and enjoy.


  1. Hi Jamie! It's been way too long since we have talked! I love to check out your blog every now and again to see how you are doing...but I thought I should say HELLO and not just be a lurker. :) Congratulations on your baby girl! She is beautiful. Your kids are all very cute.
    As soon as I saw this granola recipe, I went straight to the kitchen and made it myself. I have been incorporating it into every meal! It's yummy.

  2. Funny stuff! Your breakfast looks great! I am a huge granola fan so thanks for the recipe I am going to give it a try! Have a great week!

  3. I want some of that right now, but I just want someone to make it for me . . . .

  4. I am going to have to make some of that. It looks so good!
