Thursday, August 18, 2011

I just hoped for the best


I swear, this boy just sometime melts my heart. Yesterday he had a doctors appointment that he wasn't looking forward to. Last time he went he had to do a bunch of labs and fainted after the blood draw. He was very worried that he would have to do it again and I wasn't sure exactly what we were going to have to do. So, I told him to try not to worry about it and we'll just have to see what it is.

Thankfully, it wasn't a big deal at all. On the way out of the office, Owen (face beaming) tells me,

"I just hoped for the best and the best is what happened!"

Owen, our first born boy, who is growing up entirely too fast (but not nearly fast enough in his estimation) is just such a good boy. He has faith and hope in situations where most children his age would fall apart. If I had to use one word to describe him it would probably be cheery. His cheery disposition is just such a pleasure to be around. My pride in him is compounded by the fact that he goes through hard things, experiences them and just carries on.

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