Monday, August 29, 2011

School's in session


Lily is going to Emecec. It isn't a good school. And that is a generous statement. But! There is a bus! Hooray for the bus! Without the bus, I fear, life would be colorless. That may seem like an overstatement but if you knew how Lily felt about the bus, then you would know how appropriate that statement was. She goes three days a week for two and half hours. About half of that time is spent sitting against a chain link fence waiting for the teachers to get themselves all organized. Here is where I repeat to myself,

"If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all."


The boys are in Third and First grade at Las Sendas. They are both liking it and having fun with friends. Hopefully they will learn something this year, safe to say I am a bit concerned after helping Owen practice for his first spelling test. S A T, sat was the first word on his test. We all had a good laugh about it and Luke even passed Owen's entire third grade test.


But! They come home happy everyday and seem to be enjoying it. Owen is playing football (which to say he's enjoying it would be a rather large stretch) and going to an after school chess class. Luke is going to play soccer this fall and hasn't even gotten any notes home! A real feat for him, he tends to be a little bit of a chatter box, and I, HAVE NO IDEA WHERE HE GETS THAT FROM.

I can still remember my third grade teacher, Mrs. Wendland telling me that I would never amount to anything because I couldn't keep quiet. Wow, she must have just thoroughly enjoyed having me!


And me? What will I do all day? That remains to be seen, but four weeks from today I'm sure I will have somebody to fill my time.

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