Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Even they know, somehow, that they are above this.

My mother came to visit over Memorial Day weekend this year. We thought it would be fun on Monday to go to the lake. So did a lot of other people. The kind, well the kind that can afford a free activity. . .get my drift. Yes, I am judgmental and a terrible person. But I just can't help it. I kept my feelings to myself about the whole thing.

Until, I looked over and saw Luke. Look at how he is examining the crowd from his peripheral vision. Disgusted. Then I knew I had passed on my personal feelings without verbalizing them. They are mine and Chad's children. They don't know why but, they know that this is not for them. HA! At this point I busted out laughing because all three of my children were out of the water, on our blanket surveying the crowd, silently judging.

Lily took it one step further and didn't even put a pinky toe in the water. She just marched up and down the shore with her cheeks hanging out.

Owen was more discreet about his disgust. Always the pleaser personality. Which is just so him. He was probably dealing with an internal conflict of feeling bad about his bad feelings. Would never want to be rude or hurt someone's feelings, he is a lot like my brother Josh. But, still, he wasn't getting off that blanket.

My mom and I cracked up all the way home about this whole lake experience. I'm very much one of those let's pull the ripcord and go people. I'm not here for my health, so if you're not having fun then let's go! So we did. We spent a grand total of fifteen minutes at the lake. Probably about fourteen minutes too long.

Yes, I am a snob. And so are my children, apparently.

1 comment:

  1. that is the funniest thing I have ever read or seen! My favorite is luke's look, and I didn't realize how alike Josh and Owen really are:)
    So glad you didn't get in that dirty poor people water:) ha ha
