Duke's beauty has been the casualty of a too busy family. Before you get all high and mighty on us and say we don't deserve our dog. Know this. We hurt deeply from Duke's lack of fur. I mean, his fur was just so. . .BEAUTIFUL. And his beauty is mostly what we love about him.
At least for Chad and I, the kids probably genuinely do love him. In our defense, we didn't know that after Duke got wet we had to comb out all his fur. Knowing that now, Duke will never get wet again. I kid, I kid, but seriously, probably only like once a year. The groomer lectured me for five minutes about how when I pick him up it is very very very important that I do not laugh at him. That such an act would insult and further humiliate my dog. To which I thought two things; 1-your a hippie and 2-I'm totally going to laugh at him. Laugh I did, and I still can't tell if he was insulted. When I brought him to the car, Lily was adamant that this was not our dog. I must say, she might just be right.
UPDATE! The dog that may or may not be our dog that we got from the groomers Monday afternoon is looking more and more to actually be our dog. He has chewed up sixteen paper plates, run off twice when his name was called and gets on the ottoman every time we walk out of the room.
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